Know your current account balance, and make sure your purchases don’t exceed it. Don't forget about checks that have not yet cleared your account or any upcoming recurring payments, such as digital subscriptions, that need funding to clear.
Review your statements carefully. If you suspect a mistake or fraudulent activity, call your financial institution immediately. Always follow up with a confirmation letter.
Car rental companies and hotels may require you to present a credit card when making a reservation. However, you may use your Visa Debit card when you pay the bill for the rental or hotel.
You could be charged two fees when you use your card to withdraw cash at an ATM that is not owned by your financial institution. One fee may be charged by your financial institution and another by the ATM owner. The ATM owner is required to tell you that a fee is being charged and how much the fee is.
For overseas transactions, please be aware of the applicable Foreign Exchange rates as you may be charged with a Foreign Exchange premium that is a percentage of the transaction amount. Overseas ATMs may also charge a withdrawal fee, and the ATM owner is required to tell you that a fee is being charged and how much the fee is. Please ensure your account has enough funds to cover these fees.
Many Visa Debit cards have daily cash withdrawal limits depending on the bank that issues the card. These limits are meant to protect you in case your card is lost or stolen. Your card may be declined if you make daily purchases that exceed your daily withdrawal limit, even if you know you have plenty of funds in your checking account. You can always ask the bank to lower or raise your purchase or withdrawal limits to suit your spending habits.
Account deductions may not be cleared immediately when the final amount isn’t known. Visa has established these processes to protect Visa Debit card issuers, merchants and cardholders. This occurs most often when meeting consumer demand for payment conveniences, such as restaurants who ask for gratuity.
- For example, if you use your Visa Debit card at a restaurant, your card may be authorized before the gratuity is applied. For these types of purchases, Visa Debit card issuers may earmark cardholder funds to cover the estimated cost of the transaction. This process, known as a “hold,” safeguards both cardholders and merchants. It ensures cardholders don't spend more money than they have and merchants are paid for the transaction. While most transactions have a hold of less than 24 hours, Visa protects cardholders by requiring issuers or financial institutions to remove all holds within 72 hours.